My work on conflict diamonds and the Kimberley Process focuses on the following areas of research:
• corporate social responsibility,
• global governance mechanisms and institutions,
• issues of trust and legitimacy in global multi-stakeholder networks, and
• efficiency and effectiveness of resource and industry regulation.
My diamond research is based on extensive personal interviews with prominent campaigners, leading bureaucrats, and industry officials, hundreds of KP publications, official UN documents, industry news, and NGO reports.
In my book "From Blood Diamonds to the Kimberley Process: How NGOs Cleaned Up The Global Diamond Industry" (2010, Ashgate: Farnham Surrey, UK) I identify and treat the entire life-cycle of a regulatory regime, including the initial campaign or problem setting stage, early negotiations between stakeholders, the formal adoption of an international regulatory system, and subsequent developments and interactions among diverse participants. The book offers a detailed analysis and interpretation of changing tripartite relationships. It also assessed the role of civil society groups, mapping-out their changing responsibilities and involvement in a global institutionalized regulatory body, namely the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
In addition, I have written several peer reviewed articles and have been invited to present on the topics of resource regulation and role of civil society, corporate social responsibility and the Kimberley Process. Here a select list of publications and conference papers:
• “Governing Diamonds: The Kimberley Process and the Diamond Development Initiative.” 3rd International Conference on Research for Development. “Research for Global Transformation” (organized by National Center of Competence in Research North-South). University of Bern, Switzerland. August 20-22, 2012.
• “How Trust Shapes Global Action Networks: Evidence from the Kimberley Process” (with Steve Waddell) 19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks. University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. July 2-4, 2012.
• “The Role of NGOs in the Kimberley Process”. MODOP Research Workshop “Beyond the resource curse, new dynamics in the management of natural resources: new actors and concepts” (organized by Modus Operandi, The University of Amsterdam, The Network University, and the European Science Foundation). Paris, France. November 3-4, 2011.
• “Corporate Social Responsibility” and “Kimberley Process” in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer, Wiley Blackwell: Hoboken. (2012)
• “Trading Diamonds Responsibly: Institutional Explanations for Corporate Social Responsibility” (with John Boli), Sociological Forum Vol. 26(3): 501-526. (2011)
• “The Roles of NGOs in the Kimberley Process” Globality Studies Journal, No. 20. (2010)
• “The Quest for Regulating the Global Diamond Trade” International Catalan Institute for Peace Working Paper Series No. 5. (In English, Spanish, and Catalan). (2009)
• “International Nongovernmental Organizations” Strategies and Frames in the Campaign against Conflict Diamonds” Journal of Ethics in Leadership Vol.2(1). (2006)
The following manuscripts are in progress:
• “How Trust Shapes Global Action Networks: Evidence from the Kimberley Process” (with Steve Waddell)
• “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Diamond Industry”